Saturday, January 29, 2011

Left Brain, Right Brain

Over the years, I've made literally hundreds of contacts, personally and professionally, with artists of all genres.

When many hear the word 'artist' they immediately think of someone who paints.  That's not always the case.

You can add a bevy of titles to the list of artists, including photographer, sculptor, musician, printer, chef, marketer, actor, and more!

Via this blog, starting today, I am going to introduce various artists, from across the country, and present them to you for several reasons.

First, I think they need exposure to a wider public.  Secondly, these are people who create very good art. Some do so for profit, others assemble pieces or produce their art to manifest their creative processes for self fulfillment.

The idea of left brain vs. right brain comes up at times when talking about artists.  Can a creative person, elbow deep in paint, clay or mayonnaise, also handle the business end of promoting and selling their works?  I think some can...I want to help those that would rather be in their workspace and spend their time with their art, rather than trying to work the web.

The persons I will review for you have talent or product for sale.  I am happy to be your representative should you desire to contact one of these creative persons or will provide contact information should you want to work directly with anyone.

Each of the artist's listed on the right, in the Artist's Contact column, have given their permission for any information in this blog to be shared with others.

I would hope that you would take a moment to comment on anything that you see, or perhaps write about ideas or artists you'd like me to investigate.

Should you need someone with a particular talent for your business or an event, please let me know.  Most likely, I can find the right person for you!

Look for a posting tomorrow, Sunday, January 30th, regarding the first of many.  Please click on "comments" below to leave your thoughts.

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